Vale Vision was formed in 2005 to work with the communities of Cam, Dursley and district in Gloucestershire to produce a Community Strategic Plan for the next 10-29 years that would help to turn the communities’ vision of their future into reality.
Our Vision
“To develop a thriving Community that recognises, respects and provides for the varied needs of the people that live, work in or visit the area. We will conserve and care for our attractive environment, whilst providing learning opportunities, jobs, access to services and leisure activities for everybody.”
The Community Strategic Plan was developed through extensive consultation with people in the community, collaboration with regional, county and local authorities and organisations, and research into the economic, social and environmental ‘health’ of the Vale Vision area. It includes projects thatm contribute to providing a thriving and viable community. Vale Vision Development Trust Ltd is a company limited by guarantee and its annual general meeting provides an opportunity for local councillors and members of the public to learn about and comment on Vale Vision’s current projects. A copy of the memorandum and Articles of the Association can be downloaded
Vale Vision Development Trust Ltd is registered at Companies and is a company limited by guarantee.
Company number 05662666.
Latest news
The management and maintenance of the Sculpture and Play Trail has transferred to the Twinberrow Foundation c/o Dursley Town Council from November 2022. Any enquiries or offers to create new Sculptures will be gladly received by the Foundation. contact theresa.kinnison@dursleytowncouncil.gov.uk. If there are any urgent issues telephone Dursley Town Council 01453 547758. Any offers to join the volunteer maintenance contact Theresa. A new email address will be available shortly.
The Trail was created and launched in 2008 by the Vale Vision Directors and volunteers. Everyone has enjoyed their association with the Trail and offer their best wishes to the new management team and hope the community to walk and play along the Trail.
Registration for health walks has now transferred to Strolling in Stroud District (part of Community Services, Stroud District Council), the walk leaders will advise you regarding this on your next walk from July onwards. The registration is a one-off.